Getting Rid of Under Eye Wrinkles. Wrinkle Management or Volume Enhancement? 5 Questions Answered
When it comes to concerns about the under-eye area, this is actually one of the most difficult areas to treat. This month, we explore the world of treating the under-eye region, and answer the most important questions regarding your options if you have concerns about this area. You will learn about the best treatment methods for the under-eye, plus you will discover the where you can get volume enhancement treatments or wrinkle treatments in Melbourne, if you are ready to take the plunge and treat an area that you might be concerned about.
1: What are the Factors that Contribute to Treatment Decisions?
Age: The age of the patient is always considered in this decision as in younger patients the skin under the eyes is more elastic, and therefore it can be easier to treat lines under-eye lines.
Loose skin under the eyes: Secondly, the amount of loose skin in the area is a factor. If it is possible to pinch and lift the skin under the eyes, it can be very difficult to treat lines.
How Established the Lines are: Next, we consider if the lines under the eye are established, meaning that the longer the lines have been there, the more difficult they are to treat – take a look at the image below for reference.
Depth of Lines: Very fine lines are generally easier to treat than strong and deep lines.
2: Can Wrinkle Management Be Used for Under-Eye Lines?
The answer to this is a complex one, but the answer is: yes, however the side effects are likely to be worse than the aesthetic gains.
So what does this actually mean?
In general, this means that the risks of using wrinkle treatments to treat under-eye lines outweigh the benefits. These lines are very difficult to treat, and most professional clinicians will not treat in the ‘no-go’ zone under the eyes. You can see where the ‘no-go’ zone is in the image below. Also featured in this image is the ‘caution-zone’, which is an area that we can treat, but must be careful to not overtreat. Overtreatment in this area can lead to the undesirable ‘chipmunk cheek’ effect.
The risks associated with wrinkle management treatment in the under-eye area include:
Bags or swelling under the eyes: The muscle around the eye is a concentric muscle called the ‘orbicularis oculi’, and this contracts all throughout the day through eye movements and blinking. This muscle contraction also helps with lymphatic drainage, which is a very important bodily process. Wrinkle management treatments reduce muscle contractions, which can potentially affect lymphatic drainage and lead to under-eye bags or fluid build-up in the area.
Ectropion: An ectropion is the eyelid equivalent of the lip flip. In the same way that a wrinkle management treatment around the mouth can cause the lip to turn out slightly, using this treatment close to the eyelids can similarly cause them to turn out slightly. This can also cause redness to the eye and the eyelids.
3: Can Volume Enhancement Treatments Be Used For Under-Eye Lines?
Volume enhancement treatments are designed to replace volume loss that is common in all of us as we age. The area closest to the under-eye that we treat is the ‘tear-trough’, which can be seen in the image below. However, it must be noted that treating this area is very complex and should only be carried out by experienced treatment specialists, such as Oculoplastic surgeons. This is not a procedure or a treatment that we carry out at Cityskin.
4: Are There Alternatives to Volume Enhancement Treatments or Wrinkle Treatments For Under the Eye?
You have probably gathered so far that lines in the under-eye area are very difficult to treat. However, if you are still concerned about this area of your face, there may be some options that you can consider. If you have skin laxity – or loose skin – you could potentially benefit from a surgical procedure to reduce this loose skin. This must be performed by a plastic surgeon, and so it associated with extended recovery time, and substantial costs.
Another option to consider is laser treatments which can target the under-eyes. Fraxel and CO2 laser can work well for the area, however it is critical to note that laser treatment around the eyes is riskier, and it is very important to understand these risks before proceeding. Also note that CO2 laser is not a service offered at Cityskin.
5: Are You Ready to Book a Wrinkle Treatment Consultation?
By now you know that wrinkle management treatments shouldn’t be used to treat the under-eye area. However, if you have another concern, such as forehead lines, brow concerns, or even crow’s feet, then you can consider this treatment at our cosmetic clinic in Melbourne. Backed by over 10 years of experience and the professional expertise of our skilled practitioners, we are proud to be able to bring you the very best in cosmetic treatments and customer service.
When you are ready to take the first step towards wrinkle treatments in Melbourne, chat with us online now! If you are a new patient, you can schedule a free 30 minute consultation now, while existing Cityskin patients can book an appointment online.
The information in this blog article should not be considered medical advice.