Is it possible to achieve higher cheek bones with cheek filler?
There are so many different fillers on the market today, allowing us to have choice of what product we use on different patients. Some patients like to achieve a higher cheekbone, purely for aesthetics and others may want to achieve this look to replace lost volume. Patients who normally want a higher cheekbone for an aesthetic appearance are often in their twenties, with no significant signs of volume loss, excess skin, or bone reabsorption. For these patients, we suggest using a structural, high ‘G-prime’ dermal filler, to create a ‘chiselled’ cheekbone. Other patients who would like a higher cheekbone from dermal filler are patients in their thirties and onward. Loss of cheekbone from ageing occurs due to bone reabsorption and fat pad depletion. Depending on the quality of the skin, we can still inject mature patients to mimic bone and replace lost volume, but a softer filler with a lower G-prime may be required, or the filler may become visible and lumpy.
Most of the time, patients will require 1mL per side of the cheeks. Depending on desired result and how much volume loss is apparent, you may need less, or more.