The chin crease (also known at the mental crease) develops over time from repeated contraction of the mentalis muscle. It is generally more prominent in men than women as men have a stronger chin muscle. If you have concerns about a chin crease, we invite you to book a consultation with an experienced member of our treatment team to discuss your options.

How to reduce the appearance of a chin crease

We can address treatment concerns using a combination of volume enhancement treatments and wrinkle management treatments. Learn all about the difference between these treatments, what they address, and how they work at a Cityskin consultation.


This treatment can last approximately 12 months provided the proper treatment approach is used. This approach can be fully discussed with a clinician at a chin crease consultation.

The chin crease is one of the safer areas to treat with volume enhancement treatments as it is less vascular than other areas of the face. There is a small chance of a bruise after treatment. Your practitioner will discuss the risks and benefits of treatment at an initial consultation, and on the day of treatment to ensure that you are fully comfortable before proceeding.

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