How to treat forehead lines and avoid dropping your eyebrow height
When we treat forehead lines in women, we always recommend treating the frown muscle at the same time. The picture below shows what can happen to the eyebrows if we just treat forehead lines. The face on the left shows the face without anti-wrinkle treatment. At rest, the eyebrows are held up by the forehead muscles (shown by the arrows pointing upwards) and are pulled down by the frown and muscles around the eyes. At rest these muscles are in balance.
The picture on the right shows what can happen if just the forehead is treated with anti-wrinkle injections. Anti-wrinkle treatment (shown by the ‘x’ marks on the forehead) relaxes the forehead muscles so there are less muscles lifting the eyebrows. The frown and muscles around the eyes continue to pull down so the overall effect is the eyebrows are pulled down and sit lower.
To prevent heavy eyebrows after forehead treatment we always treat the frown as well as the forehead. This reduces the muscles pulling the eyebrows down and reduces the muscles pulling up, thereby leaving the eyebrows at the same level.