Following the new guidelines from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Cityskin can no longer mention terms like “anti-wrinkle injections” and “dermal fillers”. This will include mentions to prescription medicines (products) used for treatment of wrinkles or concerns about the shape or volume of facial features.

Instead, here is how we can communicate:

Our expert practitioners can provide consultations about:

  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles
  • Increasing the appearance of lip volume
  • Improving the skin texture and tone

We’re making these changes for your wellbeing and offering free expert consultations with our practitioners so you can make an informed decision. For more information on the treatments available at our clinic, feel free to reach out to us at 1800 248 975 or book a consultation with one of our Doctors or Cosmetic Nurses.

Wrinkle Treatments at Cityskin

We know that fine lines and wrinkles can be a natural part of life, but also understand that many people are uncomfortable with them and are searching for a solution. That solution comes in the form of wrinkle treatments, which you can learn more about in a free 30 minute consultation with one of our experienced treatment specialists. Our consultations are no obligation, no cost, and provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision about your facial concerns.


Why Choose Cityskin for Wrinkle Treatments?

  • Experienced team providing cosmetic treatment consultations to look and feel your best.
  • Fresh, natural results with over 4500 treatments completed each year.
  • Proud to have 98.6% of patients referring friends and family for cosmetic treatments.

What are Wrinkle Treatments?

Aftercare for Wrinkle Treatments

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after your treatment and do not expose treated areas to intense heat.
  • Do not massage or apply pressure to the treated area for 24 hours.
  • After your treatment you may experience a mild headache, this is completely normal. Pain relief such as Paracetamol may be taken if needed.
  • Bruising or a slight tenderness may be present at the site of treatment, and this may take a few days to settle.
  • No make-up on the day of your treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours.
  • The effects of your treatment may be noticeable 2-5 days after treatment. Full results will not be present until 12 – 14 days and we don’t advise reviewing before this date.

Follow up advice

Your practitioner may request you book a review appointment 2 weeks after your treatment. To maintain your results, we recommend follow up treatments every 3 months. Further wrinkle treatments may be needed to achieve desired results.

If you become unwell or are concerned about any of your signs and symptoms post treatment, please contact us on 1800 248 975

All About Wrinkle Treatments at Cityskin

Please note that, by law, we are not allowed to use the real or brand names of this treatment. Instead, we refer to ‘wrinkle treatments’ and encourage you to book a free 30 minute consultation in which we can freely discuss your options with you. This is done with the best interests of our patients in mind, in line with our legal obligations as a cosmetic treatment provider.


Wrinkle treatments address concerns that you may have regarding lines and wrinkles. The best way to get more information about wrinkle treatments is to book a consultation with a Cityskin clinician. During this consultation your treatment specialist will be able to freely discuss the treatment itself and answer all of your questions about how it works.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet, also known as periorbital lines, are wrinkles that develop around the eyes due to repeated muscle contractions. In Australia, where exposure to strong UV light is common, these lines are common as we age. Managing crow’s feet helps maintain a youthful appearance.

To find out more about crow’s feet, read our comprehensive guide here.

Frown (Brow) Lines

Frown lines or the ’11’ mark are the lines in between the eyebrows. It is normal to have these lines when frowning, but some people have these lines when at rest. If you have strong frown lines at rest, you may feel that you look angry. With a consultation for wrinkle  in Melbourne, you can learn more about frown lines and potential solutions. Read our full guide to frown lines here.

Forehead Lines

Forehead lines are common as we age. These lines are caused by using the forehead muscle ‘frontalis.’ If you look in the mirror and lift the eyebrows, you can see frontalis in action, lifting the eyebrows.

Suggested reading: Read our full guide to forehead lines here.

Upper Lip/Smokers Lines

Lines around the upper lips usually start to appear when a patient is over 40. As the skin loses elasticity, muscle tone and collagen small lines can start to appear around the lips. Smoking can rapidly accelerate the formation of these lines due to repeat pursing of the lips when smoking a cigarette.

To learn more about upper lip/smokers lines, schedule a consultation with a Cityskin cosmetic clinician who will be able to answer all your questions.

Facial Slimming and Tooth Grinding (Bruxism)

These concerns are some of the most common that we find in patients. Have a read of our facial slimming and bruxism (tooth grinding) guides, and book a consultation with an experienced treatment specialist to learn more.

It takes between 5 and 12 days for a wrinkle treatment to take effect. The results are not instant, with the peak effect of this treatment being at around 2-3 weeks. If you would like to discuss the specifics of wrinkle treatments, book a free consultation with a Cityskin clinician.

Ideally, the effects of the treatment should last 3-4 months but it can vary depending on the strength of the muscle.

Wrinkle treatments address lines and wrinkles, while volume enhancement treatments replace lost volume. The volume enhancement treatment is made of a gelatinous product which is designed to replace lost volume; it can ‘plump’ up the skin. Imagine the skin being like a circus tent with poles to hold it up and keep it taut. As we age, the canopy of the tent becomes looser, and we lose volume which allows the skin to become saggier. When we provide volume enhancement treatment it is like putting extra poles up to lift the canopy of the tent up to make it taut again. The other way of looking at this treatment is that it treats shadows on face. As we age, we lose collagen and volume, and this can cause shadows going down from the corner of the mouth.

If you would like to understand more about how many treatments you may need to address your particular concerns, schedule a free 30 minute consultation with one of our treatment specialists. Your Cityskin treatment provider will be able to answer all of your questions so that you can make an informed choice.

Please note that due to Australian TGA regulations, we are not allowed to use brand names, and we instead refer to ‘wrinkle treatments’. This enables us to provide solutions to your cosmetic concerns such as wrinkles, while meeting our obligations regarding TGA regulations.

We encourage you to book a free consultation, during which we can gladly provide answers to all of your questions, including queries about brands and their names. We are committed to providing you with comprehensive information in line with our legal requirements.

You may have noticed that we refrain from mentioning specific brand names, and this is due to regulatory restrictions. The advertising and marketing regulations surrounding wrinkle treatments, classified as prescription drugs, prohibit us from disclosing brand names.

As a clinic specialising in consultations for wrinkle treatments in Melbourne, Cityskin is bound by these regulations, which extend to all clinics offering these treatments across Australia. Hence, we are unable to publish brand names in any form of advertising or online communication, including our website and social media platforms.

However, we gladly inform you that during your consultation, we can openly discuss each brand, including their names. We are committed to providing you with comprehensive information and would be delighted to outline the advantages and considerations associated with our wrinkle treatment treatments during your consultation.

At Cityskin we are passionate about helping people to address facial concerns like lines and wrinkles in a way that looks natural and fresh. We aim to avoid artificial or exaggerated results, rather we favour a conservative approach in line with your treatment goals. Our treatment specialists have years of training, and will gladly discuss how to achieve natural results with you in a consultation. You can also read more about our expertise and treatment approach here.

We encourage you to schedule a free 30 minute consultation with a Cityskin clinician to discuss specific information about the treatment process and guidelines for after a treatment.

We understand that our patients want to be fully informed prior to a treatment, and this includes being aware of what to expect in terms of pain. We encourage you to book a free consultation so that an experienced treatment clinician can discuss the treatment process with you and answer your questions about pain and pain management.

A Cityskin treatment specialist can discuss the potential side effects and risks of wrinkle treatments with you at a free 30 minute consultation.

If you have concerns about the angle of your jaw, then please book a consultation with one of our experienced clinicians to discuss your treatment options. At your consultation, we can help you to find a solution to your concerns and give you specific information to help you to make an informed decision.

Book a wrinkle treatment consultation in Melbourne to discuss your wrinkle concerns

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